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Welcome! Here you will find the latest news coverage, contests, giveaways, and more! Vadima's Apprentice is a family-friendly blog devoted to KingsIsle Entertainment's MMORPG, Pirate101!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Potential 101 Game Ideas

  At the launch of Wizard101 in 2008, many online gamers were hungry to get their hands on the amazing, story-driven, friendly online experience. So when the announcement of KingsIsle's second game, Pirate101, was released, you can bet your behind the same gamers who fell in love with the humorous, magical game of Wizard101, were just dying to play Pirate101. And the thing that personally caught my attention was that Pirate101 was to take place in The Spiral as well. 

  In a pretty popular thread I instigated over at the Pirate101 Central Forums, I asked members of the forums to share their ideas regarding future games set in the 101 universe. You can view this forum post here if you're interested. The feedback was amazing! I received many different suggestions and ideas as to potential KingsIsle games to add to the "101 series". Some ideas were good, others- not so much. And I don't mean that statement offensively, it's just a matter of my personal opinion. 

  Out of the many ideas brainstormed by the members of the forum, the one game idea that many members mentioned was, Ninja101. I can definitely see this happening as it certainly fits in with the vibe of the 101 series. Wizards, pirates- it looks like ninjas could very well fit into the chain of games. I thought further, and compiled a list of possible 101 games to expand the series, along with a brief description & explanation of the idea. Enjoy!

  • Cowboy101
- Cool Ranch could obviously be a definite starting setting for the game. Players would be pulled into conflict brewing in the ruthless world. Possible classes could include lawman, outlaw, and gunslinger. I can imagine some pretty sweet mini games for this too...

  • Ninja101        
- Again, the beginning setting for this game would is pretty obvious. Mooshu would be the entering world for the game. Possible classes could include samoorai, monk, ninja. The array of weapons would also be interesting in this game. Shurikens, samurai swords, katanas, and  black eggs- Sounds pretty darn cool to me!

  • Viking101
- I'm not really too sure about this one. Grizzleheim/Wintertusk would be a good starting world. Possible classes include berserker, warrior, axeman? I don't really know enough about vikings to give any amazing ideas but, KingsIsle knows more about them than me I'm sure.

  • Knight101
- Avalon would surely be a great starting area with it's medieval theme to it. Again, I'm not too knowledgeable on knights and the Medieval Ages but, again, KingsIsle surely does; given the fact that they created an entire world concerning them. Possible classes could include knight (obviously), archer, sorcerer, and vanguard. 

  • Genie101
- I can't really see this being added to the "101 universe" but I don't know. I just kind of came up with this one. I'm currently highly doubting this as a possible 101 game due to lack of class ideas, story line, combat system, etc. It could have an Arabian/Aladdin type vibe to it. But again, I really doubt this one but it's worth adding to the list. 

  • Detective101
- Now this one I see huge potential with, so I wanted to save it for last. The setting could start out in the crime-filled world of Marleybone. The atmosphere could be kind of an old detective film noir/ mystery theme. You, as a player in the story line, are called upon by the chief of police of Scotland Yard. He explains to you that Maleybone is beginning to be corrupted with crime, and he needs a detective with great potential to fight and solve crimes! Now of course you have to make the game family-friendly, so no murder cases or anything too overly violent and gruesome. You could make your way up in the ranks of the police department by solving crimes and catching the crooks! Gradually making your way to Marleybone's finest!

  I hope you enjoyed my list of possible potential KingsIsle games to expand the vast "101 universe!" Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments!

  -Tip of the hat
~The Witchdoctor

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